Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Richard Barnfield Sonnet 11

Richard Barnfield's sonnets appended to "Cynthia" are basically in Petrarchan form, using the scheme ABBA·ABBA CDECDE

Richard Barnfield wrote sonnets that focused upon homosexual love. Other Elizabethan poets also wrote about homosexuality, but they also wrote about heterosexual love. Richard Barnfield was different in this respect.

Richard Barnfield Sonnet 11

Sighing, and sadly sitting by my Love,
       He ask't the cause of my hearts sorrowing,
       Conjuring me by heavens etemall King
To tell the cause which me so much did move.

Compell'd: (quoth I) to thee will I confesse,
       Love is the cause; and only love it is
       That doth deprive me of my heavenly blisse.
Love is the paine that doth my heart oppresse.

And what is she (quoth he) whom thou do'st love?
       Looke in this glasse (quoth I) there shalt thou see
       The perfect forme of my faelicitie.

When, thinking that it would strange Magique prove,
       He open'd it: and taking of the cover,
       He straight perceav'd himseife to be my Lover.


This sonnet is about one man confessing his sexual love of another man.


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